


€ 8,00

На краю

On the Edge

Juhani Ihanus published his collection of aphorisms Reunalla first in Finnish (Helsinki: Impressio, 2013) and rewrote it in English as On the Edge that was published in Lithuania, in the Republic of Uzhupis. Ihanus’ aphorisms are located and dislocated amid programmed brains and research results, blowing onto the futurological plans, and dosing striking diagnoses with all the trimmings. The basic trust on the kisses (”No kiss is vain knowledge”) guides the reader’s mind onto the brink of the ineffable, the garland of words slithering into the retreats of silence.

ISBN: 978-609-95621-3-1
Сторінка: 124
Видавництво: Zarzecze
Року: 2015

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