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What is the book "After Three It's Too Late" about
The author of this amazingly kind book believes that small children have the ability to learn anything. He reflected on the enormous influence of the environment on newborns and offered simple and understandable teaching methods that contribute to the early development of the child.

In his opinion, what adults learn with great difficulty, children learn through play. And the main thing in this process is to introduce new experiences in time. But only those who are with the child day after day can recognize this "in time".

"The education and environment that a baby gets into immediately after birth most likely determines who he will become - a man or a wolf!"

Why read
If you want to know how to properly raise your child so that he becomes not only successful, but also happy. This book is a master class from a successful Japanese scientist and entrepreneur, who did not stop at creating a "digital empire", but managed to find himself in pedagogy, thereby living a happy life.
Excellent, original design with funny pictures by wonderful artists of Artemy Lebedev Studio.

Few people know that Ibuka was not actually a professional teacher. He was a brilliant engineer, one of the two founders of Sony. It is all the more interesting to read his, in fact, the only book written on a topic far from the creation of products of technical progress.

For whom
For moms and dads who want to open up new wonderful opportunities for their little children. Especially for new moms and those who are just planning to have a child. And also for those who are interested in the psychology of personality formation.

ISBN: 9785916717891
Сторінка: 224
Видавництво: Альпина нон-фикшн
Року: 2024

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