


Тбілісі. Архітектурний путівник

Tbilisi. Architectural Guide

With further contributions by Mzia Chikhradze, David Bostanashvili, David Gogishvili, Suzanne Harris-Brandts, Nini Palavandishvili, Anna Kintsurashvili, Oliver Reisner, Nestan Tatarashvili, Olga Zhgenti, Levan Asabashvili, Rusudan Mirzikashvili, Giorgi Babunashvili

Tbilisi, capital of the Republic of Georgia, has attracted ­increasing international attention in recent years: Buildings play no small part in its reputation, as ­evidenced by the urban mega­projects enacted by successive administrations, countless real estate adverts shilling surrealist investment properties, and the recent establishment of the Tbilisi Architecture Biennial.

Architecture offers perhaps the best guide to the myriad contradictions of the city‘s history: Tbilisi is a Silk Road outpost with caravanserais newer than brownstone Brooklyn. The Orientalist landmarks that prompted many a traveller to invoke the Thousand and One Night were, in fact, usually built by members of a German minority emulating European trends. Today, touts may peddle tours of Brutalist Soviet ruins, but one would be hard-pressed to find clear examples of the style within city limits.

This book helps to unravel the different layers of this fascinating metropolis. It provides in-depth profiles of more than 120 buildings, themed guides to many others (sacred architecture, Art Nouveau, Constructivism), and essays contributed by local scholars.

ISBN: 978-3-86922-628-6
Сторінка: 480
Видавництво: DOM Publishers
Року: 2023

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