€ 9.00
The Role of the Scientist in Society
Роль ученого в обществе
The book traces the long history of the formation of scientific institutions from the late Middle Ages to the present day. The author systematically challenges the notion of a linear evolution of science, focusing the reader's attention on the unpredictability of events that have shaped its actual trajectory. He illustrates how various interests and actions of individuals, initially related to the understanding of natural phenomena and having the character of technical information, crystallized into the publicly recognized role of the scientist.
Special attention is given to the legitimization of the scientific approach to reality and the emergence of a universal scientific ideology. Covering a broad socio-historical context, Ben-David explains why centers of scientific influence, initially emerging in Italy, subsequently shifted to the United Kingdom, France, Germany, and finally to the United States. He also provides a detailed overview of the strategies that led to the formation or selection of specific organizational forms of science in different societies.
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