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€ 17.00

Examples of Reckless Will

Образцы безоглядной воли

"Styles of Radical Will" (1969) is a collection of essays in which Susan Sontag expands the boundaries of the exploration she undertook in her renowned book "Against Interpretation" (1966).

This collection includes texts on art, literature, cinema, and politics, which are rightfully considered some of the most brilliant examples of critical thought in the 20th century. Among them is the classic essay "The Aesthetics of Silence," a brilliant analysis of language, thought, and spirituality in art. The collection also features the essay "Trip to Hanoi," written in June-July 1968, following Sontag's nearly month-long stay in Vietnam.

ISBN: 978-5-91103-432-0
Pages: 312
Publisher: Ad Marginem
Year: 2018

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