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Dog with Me. How to Understand Your Dog and Make It Happy

Пес со мной. Как понять собаку и сделать ее счастливой

With a dog comes a thousand questions into our lives. How do you prepare your home for a puppy's arrival? What should you expect from this breed? How can you understand your dog's body language? How do you build a friendship with them?

Dog behavior specialists Maria Mizernitskaya and Karina Pintyskaya will help you navigate all these questions. In their book "Dog with Me," you'll find modern methods and scientific evidence based on ethical cynology.

Learn how to create a harmonious relationship with your dog. Understand what you need to change in yourself to improve your relationship with your pet. This humane and loving guide will transform your understanding of relationships with dogs in the modern world.

ISBN: 978-5-6048294-9-3
Publisher: Individuum

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