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Literary criticism

Translucent Palimpsest: Stories, Essays, and Notes

Gennady Barabtarlo

Translucent Palimpsest: Stories, Essays, and Notes

Полупрозрачный палимпсест: рассказы, эссе и заметки

€ 16.00

What the Nightingale Keeps Silent About: Philological Novellas on Russian Culture from Peter the Great to Budyonny's Mare

Ilya Vinitsky

What the Nightingale Keeps Silent About: Philological Novellas on Russian Culture from Peter the Great to Budyonny's Mare

О чем молчит соловей. Филологические новеллы о русской культуре от Петра Великого до кобылы Буденного

€ 18.00

Postmodernism in Paradise: On the Works of Olga Sedakova

Ксения Голубович

Postmodernism in Paradise: On the Works of Olga Sedakova

Постмодерн в раю. О творчестве Ольги Седаковой

€ 15.00

Golden Adele

Péter Nádas

Golden Adele

Золотая Адель

€ 15.00

Not Only About Kharms: From Ivan Barkov to Alexander Kondratov

V. N. Sazhin

Not Only About Kharms: From Ivan Barkov to Alexander Kondratov

Не только о Хармсе: От Ивана Баркова до Александра Кондратова

€ 15.00

The Book Person: Notes of the Chief Editor

Arkady Milchin

The Book Person: Notes of the Chief Editor

Человек книги: Записки главного редактора

€ 22.00

Collected Works in Six Volumes. Volume 3: Russian Poetry

Mikhail Gasparov

Collected Works in Six Volumes. Volume 3: Russian Poetry

Собрание сочинений в шести томах. Том 3: Русская поэзия

€ 36.00

Collected Works in Six Volumes. Volume 6: Science and Enlightenment

Mikhail Gasparov

Collected Works in Six Volumes. Volume 6: Science and Enlightenment

Собрание сочинений в шести томах. Том 6: Наука и просветительство

€ 37.00

V. Khodasevich's Poem "Monkey": Commentary

Vsevolod Zelchenko

V. Khodasevich's Poem "Monkey": Commentary

Стихотворение В. Ходасевича "Обезьяна". Комментарий

€ 13.00

Language 404

Alina Nagornaya

Language 404

Мова 404

€ 26.00

404 Language not found

Alina Nagornaya

404 Language not found

404 Язык не найден

€ 26.00

5th wave #6. Summer 2024

Коллектив авторов

5th wave #6. Summer 2024

5-я волна № 6. Лето 2024

€ 25.00

Followers and haters of V. V. Mayakovsky: how the poet was loved and hated in the first half of the 20th century

Larionova Lyudmila

Followers and haters of V. V. Mayakovsky: how the poet was loved and hated in the first half of the 20th century

Фолловеры и хейтеры В. В. Маяковского: как любили и ненавидели поэта в первой половине XX века

€ 30.00