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€ 16.00

On the way to Compostela

На пути в Компостелу

Jason (Jon Arne Seterøy) is a Norwegian comic book author. He has lived in France for many years and writes in French. His works have repeatedly received various awards, including the Norwegian Brahe Literary Prize and the American Eisner Award for "Best Foreign Comic Book". In 2005, Jason turned 50 and set off on a journey along the 800-kilometer pilgrimage route that leads to the Spanish city of Santiago de Compostela. Every year, thousands of people visit it - both Christians and non-believers. For 32 days, Jason walks the roads and paths of Northern Spain, trying to overcome his tendency to endless introspection and start communicating with other pilgrims... And, of course, along the way, he will encounter blisters, bedbugs and snoring in shelters.

ISBN: 978-5-906331-55-7
Pages: 192
Publisher: Бумкнига
Year: 2017

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