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Black Village

Блэк Виллидж

Two men and a woman, who barely know each other, are traveling in the darkness that has descended after their deaths. They must learn to coexist in this bleak world, where they encounter not only darkness. Time here stretches and compresses but, above all, is interrupted. To chart their journey, they tell each other stories.

Regardless of the content of these stories—thrilling adventures, violence, revenge, dreams, criminal missions—they are interrupted in the middle of the action. Images are born, plots ignite, but suddenly a mysterious force intervenes and mercilessly disrupts the narrative.

Lutz Bassmann, born in 1952 in Jelgava, Latvia, and serving a life sentence since 1990, is one of the post-exotic alter egos of French writer Antoine Volodine. Initially mentioned as a character in one of the works, he soon published a range of works in various genres—from novels to incantations and tales.

ISBN: 978-5-89059-501-0
Publisher: Издательство Ивана Лимбаха

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