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Ugly text

Агли текст

A collection of essays about unusual graffiti "UGLY TEXT" edited by Konstantin Stavrov was published in mid-May 2023. A joint project of the Invalid Books publishing house and the Institute for Street Art Research "UGLY TEXT" continues the series of books about "agli-graffiti" started by the publication "NEK! 20 years".

Ugly-graffiti, or anti-style, or ignorant style - these terms denote a special direction in graffiti, a kind of subculture within a subculture. Ugly-graffiti is characterized by avant-garde, "dirty", sloppy aesthetics, the search for new forms, the use of unusual materials, and a mixture of techniques. Ugly-graffiti is a departure, often conscious, from traditional, classical graffiti with its strict rules, striving for accuracy, "quality", and precision. Instead, innovation, originality, spontaneity, provocation, often abstractness, and the deliberate use of cheap materials are gaining value. Graffiti is a font culture; ugly graffiti moves away from font compositions towards abstractionism, futurism, primitivism, and experimentation in general. Very different in form and content, these texts form an original cross-section of the opinions of Russian authors who create non-canonical works on the street. The book "UGLY TEXT" is a kind of text exhibition representing the views of individual artists, their manner of working, interacting with the world and space, collected and curated by Konstantin Stavrov.

ISBN: 9785604142950
Pages: 100
Publisher: Институт исследования стрит-арта
Year: 2023

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