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€ 19.00

Man and Woman: Body, Fashion, Culture. USSR — Thaw

Мужчина и женщина: тело, мода, культура. СССР — оттепель

The research by Doctor of Historical Sciences Natalia Lebina focuses on the gender dynamics during the Khrushchev reforms, specifically the relationships between men and women during the partial dismantling of totalitarian models of marriage and family relations, fatherhood and motherhood, and sexual behavior.

The study centers on the intersections of the intimate and public spheres: how government directives interacted with cinema and literature in influencing private life, why and when everyday life readily responded to legislative initiatives, and how language reacted to social changes. Finally, it explores the phenomenon of freedom sanctioned from above and emerging against the backdrop of an etacratic model of life organization.

ISBN: 978-5-4448-2188-6
Pages: 208
Publisher: Новое литературное обозрение
Year: 2023

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