€ 19.00
Passengers of the Sausage Train: Sketches for the Picture of Russian City Life: 1917–1991
Пассажиры колбасного поезда: Этюды к картине быта российского города: 1917–1991
The new book by renowned historian Natalia Lebina consists of studies and essays that describe all aspects of the everyday life of Soviet city dwellers on both micro and macro levels: from food to entertainment, from clothing choices to intimate life, from marriage to funeral rituals.
The leitmotif of the book is the unique development of the civilizational modernization process under Soviet conditions. Lebina writes not only as a researcher but also as a witness of the era. Episodes from her family's history serve as examples of typical situations encountered by Soviet citizens.
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Man and Woman: Body, Fashion, Culture. USSR — Thaw
Мужчина и женщина: тело, мода, культура. СССР — оттепель
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