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Unwrapping Memory

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The book by Irina Nikolaevna Zorina belongs to the category of genuine testimonies from the generation of the 1960s about the destinies of society and the country. Irina Nikolaevna Zorina clearly illustrates the hopes of the Thaw and the losses of the stagnant 1970s, analyzing the opportunity historically provided to the generation by perestroika.

In the gallery of faces are the best people of the recently departed era: Yuri Karyakin, Yuri Lyubimov, Ales Adamovich, and other iconic figures in politics, such as Yevgeny Primakov, and culture, including Naum Korzhavin, Vladimir Vysotsky, and Ernst Neizvestny.

ISBN: 978-5-89059-395-5
Pages: 560
Publisher: Издательство Ивана Лимбаха
Year: 2020

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