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€ 15.00

How to Get the Most Out of Your Data: Analytics Skills for Non-Experts

Как вытащить из данных максимум. Навыки аналитики для неспециалистов

Data literacy, the ability to navigate the world of data, is a key skill today. Billions of messages are posted on social media every day, email inboxes around the planet are buzzing with emails, and every car connected to the Internet produces terabytes of data, not to mention online stores, payment systems, and government digital services. However, only a minority can work with data, analyze it, and use it for business, and there is a catastrophic shortage of specialists.

For those who want to learn to speak the language of data confidently, recognized expert in the field of data literacy Jordan Morrow wrote his book. This practical guide will allow even a non-specialist to master the four basic levels of analytics and learn how to make effective decisions based on data in order to extract the most from information and be successful in a rapidly changing digital world.

ISBN: 978-5-9614-7563-0
Pages: 255
Publisher: Альпина нон-фикшн
Year: 2022

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