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War and intelligence

Війна і інтелект

The book is based on a kind of philosophical diary that the author wrote in the first months of a large-scale war. Over time, it became clear: this war is not about territory, Russia's goal is the destruction of sovereign Ukraine; this is not a regional war, Russia is challenging the world order; for Russia, such a war of destruction is an end in itself. In other words, we are involved in an existential war, already global and nihilistic. Such a war questions the foundations of ethos, self-awareness, intellect, and reveals them as modes of radical responsibility - personal, civic, political. The fabric of the usual coexistence of people close in spirit is torn apart. Everyone needs personal self-determination as a participant in the event.
The author's texts are written in Russian, but masterfully translated by Anton Bondarenko. The book is being published for the first time.

ISBN: 978-966-378-982-8
Publisher: Дух і літера
Year: 2023