€ 13.00
They'll Come for Me at Night: Uyghur Poet on Genocide in Modern China
За мной придут ночью: Уйгурский поэт о геноциде в современном Китае
What does it feel like to expect to be arrested every night? It’s impossible to get used to living in fear, but it only gets worse when friends and acquaintances start disappearing one after another... A long-standing interest in politics and activism to protect the rights of the Uyghurs, a Turkic-speaking people living in China’s Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, led poet Tahir Hamut to imprisonment, torture, and forced exile in the United States. In his memoirs, he describes the atmosphere of repression and systematic discrimination that reigns in Xinjiang, where tens of thousands of people are persecuted and end up in “ideological re-education camps.” His book is not only a personal story, but also a living testimony to one of the most acute humanitarian crises in the modern world.
The Xinjiang Uyghur Region became a giant prison, surrounded by security forces and a unique biometric surveillance system in history. Villages and neighborhoods quickly emptied out as people were taken to internment camps. The Uyghurs had their passports confiscated. Communication with the outside world was cut off. It became almost impossible to get out.
For whom
For those who are interested in the history of modern China, who want to learn more about the Uyghurs and their persecution in their homeland.
The book you are about to read is the memoir of a man who survived the destruction of his homeland.