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€ 22.00

The Life We Created

Жизнь, которую мы создали

Brilliantly combining science, natural history, and personal experience, Beth Shapiro demonstrates that our species has been manipulating nature for almost as long as we have existed. Anyone who wants to better understand the future of humanity should read this book.

— Jennifer Doudna, Nobel Prize in Chemistry Laureate, 2020

Beth Shapiro is a renowned expert on ancient DNA, conducting research on the DNA of mammoths, dodos, and other animals that are forever lost to us. In this book, she captivatingly discusses the impact of humans on the evolution of other species.

The debate over whether scientists should interfere with the course of life on Earth by crossbreeding different species to produce tastier and longer-lasting food, as well as beautiful and easily trainable animals, has been ongoing for decades. Many of us oppose such interference, considering it harmful and "unnatural."

However, by studying the past, we learn that Homo sapiens have been deliberately influencing the evolution of living nature throughout our history. So, perhaps we should not fear genetically modified products?

Publisher: Corpus
Year: 2023

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