€ 48.00
Как проектировать удобные города
How to Design Humane Cities
Taking examples from major European cities, Public Spaces and Urbanity is a practical guide demonstrating what urban development with a human face might look like. This involves renewing and enhancing humane cities using architecture on a human scale while considering their history. Thus the book follows the tradition established by Jan Gehl that regards urban space as a framework for people to live in and socialise.
The European tradition of the dense classical city marks the point of departure for this book. Particular emphasis is placed on physical and spatial parameters, development patterns and building types, guiding principles governing access, and interconnections with public roads and pathways – all of which form the foundations of urban life and cities that provide safety and security.
The book is divided into ten thematic chapters, each providing a definition and general outline of core challenges and proposals for meeting them. A historical outline of urban development and the practically organised thematic structure underlying concepts discussed allow the examples to broaden the field of understanding around this topic significantly.
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Switzerland: Deep Urbanism for an Age of Disruption
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Эпоха відовішча. Прыгоды архітэктуры і горад XXI стагоддзя
Эпоха зрелища. Приключения архитектуры и город XXI века
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Vita Activa, або Пра дзейнае жыццё (другое выданне)
Vita Activa, или О деятельной жизни (второе издание)
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Воображая город: Введение в теорию концептуализации
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