€ 14.00
Сложные чувства. Разговорник новой реальности: от абьюза до токсичности
What do we mean when we talk about toxicity, abuse, and harassment? Where does the resource come from? Why do we scare each other so much with burnout? All these words describe (and prescribe) changes in thinking, ethics, and behavior — from the recently introduced "crush" and "swipe" to the transforming notions of "love," "depression," and "rudeness."
The phrasebook, edited by sociologist Polina Aronson, includes the most relevant and problematic of these terms. Where did they come from, and how do they affect society and language? What is the process of reinterpreting old words and adopting new ones? And how should we use them?
Anthropologists, sociologists, journalists, psychologists, and psychotherapists have provided their perspectives on this and have tried to understand even the most complex emotions.
The book is written by a collective of authors: Polina Aronson, Ilya Budraitskis, Elizaveta Velikodvorskaya, Kristen Ghodsee, Hasan Guseynov, Zhanna Chernova, Vladislav Zemenkov, Yulia Lerner, Elena Miskova, Oksana Moroz, Yulia Pirumova, Julie Reshe, Duane Rousselle, Natalia Saveleva, Yuri Saprykin, Olga Solovyova, Olga Strakhovskaya, Anna Temkina, Marina Travkova, Larisa Shpakovskaya, Grigory Yudin.
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