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€ 10.00

Seven Years in Kresty: Prison Through the Eyes of a Psychiatrist

Семь лет в "Крестах": Тюрьма глазами психиатра

When I first entered the psychiatric department, I was stunned by a scream. A yell. "MADHOUSE!" - that's how the headmistress answered all incoming calls.

From this rather exotic point of view, he very frankly talks about how the Russian prison and prison medicine are organized: who works there and for what purpose; who sits and how; who treats and guided by what principles; who is treated and for what. Malingerers and operatives, drug addicts and schizophrenics, orderlies and pedophiles: what literally goes on in the heads of all these people united by a very strange and complex common place of residence - starting with the author, who by the end reveals himself to be a monster and decides to leave the criminal system.

The reputation of the psychiatric department in the institution was ambiguous. On the one hand, we bore the imprint of a "punitive organ" where people end up against their will. On the other hand, we have often made life easier for those for whom, in the general opinion, it is not worth making it easier.

ISBN: 978-5-00223-013-6
Pages: 208
Year: 2024

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