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€ 17.00

Vita Activa, or On Active Life (Second Edition)

Vita Activa, или О деятельной жизни (второе издание)

Does everyday labor, planning and manufacturing activities, science, technology, and even, to some extent, artistic creativity serve as an escape from political action and the open public world? Hannah Arendt tends to answer this question affirmatively. She is concerned about the state of modern society, which has become enclosed in the busyness of production and consumption.

Historical opportunities for free personal action remain unclaimed. The book offers a comprehensive systematic analysis of the fundamental needs and conditions of human existence, the primary types of human activity, and, above all, the turning point in human history associated with the shift of focus to science and humanity's venture into space.

This book is a seminal work in political theory, laying the foundation for this field in the 20th century. It is one of the rare philosophical works of modern times capable of captivating any educated reader.

ISBN: 978-5-91103-699-7
Pages: 416
Publisher: Ad Marginem
Year: 2023

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