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€ 14.00

The General and His Family

Генерал и его семья

Timur Kibirov is a poet and writer, author of more than twenty poetry books, and a laureate of many national and international awards, including the Poet Prize (2008). His new book, "The General and His Family," which the author himself calls a "historical novel," is a family saga set in the late Soviet Union.

Kibirov approaches timeless themes such as generational conflict, the issue of emigration, and the search for purpose with irony and a patchwork quilt of quotes that defined the consciousness of the late Soviet person. The experience and attention to detail embedded in the book elevate "The General and His Family" to the realm of the great Russian novel, both sincere and sarcastic.

ISBN: 978-5-6043605-4-5
Publisher: Individuum

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