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Russian cut

Русская нарезка

A significant part of the novel is his diary, going backwards, as if running away from the events of 2014 that shocked the author, which he compares to the arrival of a giant pig.
"A dead, elongated, strong, with sparse hooked hairs
pale, long, large, huge snout of an eyeless pig
floated in the window, shuddering, turning, stuck out, and
quietly, confidently, predatorily grunted."
Pavel Kushnir recognized this pig, cursed it, and it tore him to pieces.

The novel by the talented musician and writer Pavel Kushnir, who died a martyr in a Russian prison, was first published in 2014 by ZA ZA VerlagDüsseldorf on the LULU platform.
The new edition of “Russian Cuts” was prepared for printing in Germany in August 2024 in an unimaginable time frame, from scratch in 48 hours. The publishing team worked on it sleeplessly, accepting the death of the author as their personal tragedy. Yes, the writer’s body has left this world, but his spirit, his thoughts and hopes, his talent and uniqueness will now be revealed to everyone who reads this book.

ISBN: 978-3-68959-907-2
Pages: 173
Publisher: ISIA Media Verlag
Year: 2024

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