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Mirror People: The History of Left-Handers

Зеркальные люди. История левшей

The book by French researcher Pierre-Michel Bertrand is dedicated to left-handed individuals. Remarkably, what might seem like a simple trait has elicited a wide range of emotions from those around them — from fear and disgust to respect and admiration. Today, it is considered a fairly common phenomenon and does not evoke surprise. But has it always been thought of this way?

Left-handedness interests the author primarily as a cultural phenomenon. The gradual process of liberalizing left-handedness has been in constant flux, experiencing both highs and lows, as well as periods of stagnation. How was left-handedness (considered a minority) perceived during eras dominated by ostracism, isolationist policies, and coercion?

Bertrand examines the cultural and historical process from antiquity to modern times from an unusual perspective — the relationship between right-handed and left-handed individuals. Readers will find a diverse range of material in the book — from art historical descriptions to statistical tables and criminal chronicles from two centuries ago. They will also become acquainted with the biographies and memoirs of both famous figures and ordinary contemporaries of various eras.

ISBN: 978-5-4448-0534-3
Pages: 304
Publisher: Новое литературное обозрение
Year: 2016

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