€ 22.00
The History of Fatigue from the Middle Ages to the Present Day
История усталости от Средневековья до наших дней
The familiar concept of fatigue, which gained public attention in the 20th and 21st centuries and became a more noticeable part of our daily lives, has undergone significant transformations throughout different eras. Georges Vigarello's book explores how Western civilization learned to recognize fatigue, combat it, and distinguish its spiritual aspects from the physical ones.
The author delves into the history of the body and medical practices, as well as the history of labor, war, sports, and intimacy. From the devout exhaustion of medieval pilgrims and the fatigue of knights after tournaments to the burnout of modern office workers and the exhaustion of medical professionals in COVID-19 hospitals, this book offers a journey through all types and historical stages of fatigue.
Georges Vigarello is a French historian and sociologist, a member of the School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences, and the author of "The Art of Attractiveness," published by "NLO."
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The Art of Attractiveness: The History of Bodily Beauty from the Renaissance to the Present Day
Искусство привлекательности: История телесной красоты от Ренессанса до наших дней
€ 20.00
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