€ 25.00
War in Telegram Style. 500 Days of Catastrophe. 01.03.2022–23.07.2023: A Philosophical Diary
Война телеграмным стилем. 500 дней катастрофы. 01.03.2022–23.07.2023: Философский дневник
The book by renowned political scientist, publicist, and lawyer Vladimir Pastukhov is a unique philosophical diary covering 500 days from the beginning of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict. Based on the author's posts in his Telegram channel, this work combines the documentation of current events with a profound analysis of fundamental questions of identity, responsibility, and historical processes.
The author explores the transformation of public consciousness in times of crisis, addressing themes of Russian and Ukrainian identity, collective guilt and responsibility, as well as the roles of civilizations, empires, and revolutions in the modern context. Pastukhov offers a new format of political and philosophical reflection, adapted to the realities of the information age.
This book will appeal to a wide audience interested in contemporary political philosophy, the analysis of current events, and their historical context.
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