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A Thousand and One Bees

Тысяча и одна пчела

Spring arrives, and the bees find their old hive too cramped. They leave their old home, gather into a swarm, and embark on a journey across blooming meadows and orchards. The bees fly over fields and water bodies, encountering neighbors such as birds, insects, and reptiles.

The search for a new place for the swarm ends well. The plants where the bees stopped remain pollinated and will soon bear fruit. A diligent beekeeper manages to settle the bees into a new hive, and soon he will harvest sweet honey from it.

The new illustrated encyclopedia for preschoolers from the "Thousand and One" series introduces children to the life of a bee swarm and the role of these insects in the life cycle of plants. In the work of artist and author Joanna Jeżak, the spring wildflowers, fruit blossoms, and inhabitants of fields and gardens create a picture of nature's endless diversity, inviting endless exploration.

ISBN: 978-5-4330-0203-6
Publisher: Ad Marginem

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