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€ 13.00

Feminisms: World History

Феминизмы: Всемирная история

Feminism is called upon to unite a good half of humanity under its banners and ideas. The tasks set are extremely ambitious and humane - to resist gender injustice in all its ugly forms. But those 250 years of the movement, which historian Lucy Delap analyzes in her book, have shown that everything is not so simple - the feminist community is not homogeneous, the tasks and goals at different historical stages can not only change, but also enter into dramatic contradiction with each other, and the problems of women from different social, ethnic or religious backgrounds are often so different that it is impossible to come to an agreement without discussions.

All over the world, female education was flourishing, women's access (or even coercion) to employment was expanding, and the spread of bicycles brought new freedom and new fears, embodied in the image of a new woman riding a bicycle. in a bloomer - a reformed women's suit. But the excitement of the feminists' victory pints was dampened when the owner's words made it clear that he was driven less by a desire for gender equality than by a fear of male violence.

ISBN: 978-5-00223-061-7
Pages: 389
Publisher: Альпина нон-фикшн
Year: 2024

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