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Fashionable London. Clothing and the Modern Metropolis

Модный Лондон. Одежда и современный мегаполис

The monograph by the eminent fashion historian, Professor Christopher Bruard of the University of Edinburgh, titled "Fashionable London: Clothing and the Modern Metropolis," is a study of the fashion geography of London, the history of its distinct districts, fashion types (such as the dandy and the actress, the teddy boy and the student), and shops.

The author posits that the birth and development of fashion are inseparable from the city and builds his analysis on the example of London, which became a hub for the formation of the dandy style and experienced rapid industrial growth in the 19th century, including in clothing production.

In the 20th century, London transformed into a true subcultural Mecca, firmly establishing itself as one of the world's foremost fashion capitals alongside Paris, Milan, and New York.

ISBN: 978-5-4448-0541-1
Pages: 240
Publisher: Новое литературное обозрение
Year: 2016

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