€ 19.00
Imagining the City: An Introduction to Conceptualization Theory
Воображая город: Введение в теорию концептуализации
Over the past thirty years, technological progress has transformed our daily lives more significantly than global political and economic challenges. While people have been discussing the spread of populism, new ethics, the weakening of nation-states, and the post-pandemic world, their own world has been quietly changed by GPS navigators and food delivery services, Zoom and Uber, Facebook and Telegram — all those things that, in common parlance, are associated with the idea of technology.
For a sociologist, the "question of technology" is always about the forms and mechanisms of maintaining social order. How is belief in scientific and technological progress connected to our collective perceptions? Are we witnessing the birth of new techno-religions and techno-ideologies? What do social media users and drone operators have in common? And are technological objects becoming independent subjects of social action?
You will find answers to these and many other questions in this book.
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