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€ 14.00

1913. The Summer of the Century

1913. Лето целого века

Here is a chronicle of the last peaceful year before World War I, during which many events occurred that became iconic for 20th-century culture.

In 1913, Proust's novel "Swann's Way" was published. Spengler began working on "The Decline of the West." The scandalous Paris premiere of Stravinsky's ballet "The Rite of Spring" took place, along with a concert of Schoenberg's twelve-tone music.

The first version of Malevich's "Black Square" was created. The first Prada boutique opened. Louis Armstrong picked up a trumpet for the first time. Stalin arrived illegally in Vienna, while Hitler, on the contrary, left it.

ISBN: 978-5-91103-443-6
Pages: 272
Publisher: Ad Marginem
Year: 2018

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