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€ 12.00

The Goalkeeper and the Sea

Воротар і море

A year in the life of two residents of Shepki-Matilda Bay, where there are only three houses — nine-year-old Trille, who narrates the story, and his neighbor and classmate Lena — is packed with an incredible number of events and adventures: funny, touching, and dangerous. The idyllic life on the Norwegian farm is disrupted but not destroyed by dramatic events. But friendship, of course, proves to be stronger!

The book was first published in Russian in 2007 and has since become a modern classic of children's literature. It is recommended for children and parents, included in school programs, adapted into plays, and Maria Parr herself is often called the new Astrid Lindgren.

In 2019, twelve years after the first edition, the book was released with new illustrations by Anya Leonova, beautifully capturing the mood of the fjord open to winds and sea, the feeling of childhood, and even the scent of beloved grandmother's waffle hearts.

In 2018, Samokat published the long-awaited sequel to "Waffle Hearts" — "The Waffle Heart Goalkeeper and the Sea," also illustrated by Anya Leonova. Now both books form a single and harmonious set. The book in its new design was released in time for Maria Parr's visit to Russia in December 2019.

ISBN: 978-5-91759-706-5
Pages: 296
Publisher: Самокат
Year: 2023

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