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€ 40.00

The Nonexistent City

Несуществующий город

The book "Architecture of Interwar Kyiv: The Nonexistent City" systematically presents, for the first time, unrealized architectural projects of interwar Kyiv, as well as buildings from the interwar period that were demolished between 1935 and 2020. All discovered original architectural sketches are included, most of which are published for the first time. Many facade drawings have been redrawn specifically for the book, having never been published before and previously inaccessible to a wide audience. Many of these projects were executed at a high aesthetic level and continue to impress with their craftsmanship and scope of vision.

Each object is examined not only from an architectural perspective but also from a historical one. Based on more than six hundred sources, the book provides a detailed reconstruction of the history of the projects, their inclusion in urban planning, and their discussion in periodicals. For the demolished buildings, the book offers an in-depth study of their construction, existence, and eventual destruction.

ISBN: 9789662536829
Pages: 672
Publisher: Скай Хорс
Year: 2021

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