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€ 30.00

Minsk in art

Мінск у мастацтве

The book of essays by art critic, historian of architecture and culture, and EHU lecturer Sergei Kharevski tells the story of the depiction of Minsk by artists of different eras, from the late 18th to the early 19th century. To show the evolution of the thinking of urban artists from an illustrative to a figurative approach, the author subjectively highlights the personalities of fourteen artists whose works are the most stylistically distinctive for each period or in whose oeuvre the search for the image of Minsk was consistent, represented by a large number of works. Many of the works mentioned in the book have become unique documents of the history of architecture and urban planning, as the buildings that inspired the artists were destroyed, and the landscapes were changed beyond recognition.

The book is addressed to a wide range of art and urban planning enthusiasts.

ISBN: 978-609-492-019-6
Pages: 186
Publisher: Логвінаў
Year: 2023

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