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€ 10.00

How to Come Up with an Idea If You're Not Ogilvy

Как придумать идею, если вы не Огилви

Ideas are the hard currency of the advertising industry. Every day, creative agencies are busy coming up with a multitude of concepts for clients. In practice, the main way to find new ideas remains the extremely ineffective trial and error method.

The book offers an alternative approach to finding non-standard ideas in advertising. Perhaps for the first time in advertising, creative techniques that allow you to come up with a strong solution without trying out options are examined in detail, analyzed and systematized. At the same time, psychological barriers that prevent you from finding unexpected advertising moves are discussed.

The book is intended for entrepreneurs, small and medium business owners, advertisers and marketers interested in increasing the efficiency of intellectual work.

“Creativity is much more often reduced to subtraction, rejection of the superfluous and unnecessary than is commonly thought.”

You will learn
Why the recommendations “Think outside the box!”, “Take a detour!”, “Think differently!” — these are the real killers of creative thought.
Why trial and error is a sure way to waste business intellectual resources.
How to make competitors advertise your services.
Why a real advertiser constantly feels like a loser.

ISBN: 978-5-9614-9444-0
Pages: 272
Publisher: Альпина нон-фикшн
Year: 2024

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