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€ 10.00

52 Stubborn Women: Scientists Who Changed the World

52 упрямые женщины: Ученые, которые изменили мир

This is a book by a woman about women whose names are unfairly little known solely because of their gender. Meanwhile, their scientific discoveries and research in the fields of medicine, biochemistry, biology, physiology, and archeology have changed life on the planet for the better, helped defeat deadly diseases, and expand our knowledge of the world. Each of the heroines has gone through a unique path, and each has faced rejection from society. They were overlooked and ignored, their achievements were attributed to men, and if this did not work, then their status as wives and mothers was emphasized first and foremost, and their professional achievements were presented as a bonus. But they continued to work despite everything and emerged victorious from this battle.

Nothing was known about the fundamental role of Rosalind Franklin in the discovery of DNA until Watson himself let it slip. Since then, she has become the heroine of several biographies and the personification of all those who have not received the recognition they deserve. Franklin, always deeply committed to data and facts, would have been happy to hear that many people wanted to know the truth about her significant contribution.

There was a time when Levi-Montalcini managed to sneak a few mice on a plane to Brazil – for research, of course – in her purse or pocket. During World War II, Rita rode her bicycle from house to house, asking farmers to share their chicken eggs to feed her “babies.” In reality, she was researching embryos, and the plight was a ruse – she just needed fertilized eggs for her research.

ISBN: 978-5-00223-314-4
Pages: 336
Publisher: Альпина нон-фикшн
Year: 2024

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