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About Our Cool Life. Fun Poems

Про нашу прикольную жизнь. Сти-хи-хи

This is a book of humorous poems designed for reading aloud—a rather rare genre in poetry. These poems have been tested at concerts by Lyudmila Petrushevskaya. Her songs, which are essentially the same poems set to music, such as "Starushka ne spesha," gather hundreds of thousands of views on YouTube. The audience usually laughs with delight.

While the themes aren't always cheerful, people laugh from the element of surprise and the perfect hit of the punchline. Readers can memorize some of the poems and suddenly start quoting them at a lively gathering. Success and laughter are guaranteed—provided that intelligent people are present, for whom this book of humorous verses is intended. It's about our amusing life.

ISBN: 978-5-699-97281-4
Publisher: Эксмо

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