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Fact. How I Learned Polyamory, Acted in Porn, and Got a Slave

Факт. Как я училась полиамории, снималась в порно и завела раба

The principle "Everyone is different" can be easily illustrated by attitudes towards sex. Everyone has their own turn-ons, and the list is much longer and more surprising than commonly thought. Some people dress up as dogs and living dolls, some enjoy suspension, while others buy used underwear. All these activities are practiced by perfectly ordinary people, no better or worse than anyone else. Descriptions of their interests may shock, but behind unusual sex practices lie stories of vulnerability, overcoming fear, and self-discovery. These are also stories about how society is structured, where puritanical conservatism coexists with the echoes of the sexual revolution.

Journalist Milana Logunova dedicated several years to studying various kinks and fetishes, not remaining a mere observer. In her book, you will meet organizers of kink parties, squirting experts, demisexuals, surrogate partners, and other people who are already living in the 21st century. "Fact" offers an insider's and empathetic view of the world of sexual preferences, unconventional identities, and bold experiments. The book reaffirms that being different and as "strange" as one wishes is perfectly normal.

ISBN: 978-5-6048294-6-2
Publisher: Individuum

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