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€ 23.00

Z: A Brief History of Russia

Z: Краткая история России

What has happened to Russia in the last thirty years since the collapse of the Soviet Union? How have events in the country unfolded? What factors have led to Russia becoming what it is today? What might the future hold for Russia?

Often, an outsider's perspective can bring new aspects to light, offering a more multifaceted analysis and helping to clarify the picture of what is happening. Renowned German author Olaf Kühl, who has served for many years as an advisor to the Governing Mayor of Berlin on Russia, compiles the most dramatic events of recent decades in Russia, supplementing them with his personal observations and assessments. Like a mirror, a rich image of Russia emerges, with precise and deep descriptions and analyses of the ongoing events.

About the Author

Olaf Kühl is a renowned German author and translator, an expert on Russia, and a recipient of German literary awards. For over three decades, Olaf Kühl worked in the Senate Chancellery of Berlin, starting in 1988 as a translator and from 1995 to 2021 as an advisor to the Governing Mayor of Berlin on relations with the countries of the former Soviet Union. During this time, Olaf Kühl witnessed many events and made numerous visits to Russia and its regions.

ISBN: 978-3-00-078222-0
Pages: 240
Publisher: Stein Publishing
Year: 2024

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