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€ 25.00

Fields of Blood: Religion and the History of Violence

Поля крови: Религия и история насилия

Wars, terrorism, aggressive intolerance, and social violence have accompanied humanity throughout history. Is religion to blame, as it is increasingly accused of being? The history from the Stone Age to the present day reveals a complex picture. Integrated into the state apparatus, religion in early agricultural societies became an instrument of social oppression.

Many crimes have been committed in the name of religion. It has been used to justify colonization and slavery, pogroms, and terrorist acts. Yet, century after century, faith has softened morals and taught people to see a neighbor not only in those of the same blood. Humanity owes to religion the fact that it became civilized, not remaining at the level of barbarism, where each tribe was surrounded by hostile tribes.

This fascinating exploration of the history of religious wars and the role of religion in power and politics, written by the world-renowned scholar of religion Karen Armstrong, offers a profound and unbiased account of the experiences of various religions: paganism, Judaism, Buddhism, Christianity, and Islam.

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