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€ 19.00

How music works

Как работает музыка

An intelligent, friendly, and charming analysis of the phenomenon of music and the mechanism by which it affects people from David Byrne, former leader of the band Talking Heads and successful solo artist, is an opportunity to gain an exhaustive understanding of the physiological, spiritual, cultural and business aspects of music.

In this incredible journey of unexpected discoveries, we move from the La Scala opera house to an African village, from the cult New York club CBGB to a recording studio located in a former movie theater, from the office of a record company executive to a small music store.

David Byrne appears to us as a historian, anthropologist, sociologist, part-time memoirist, meticulous researcher and brilliant storyteller, successfully convincing us that “music has a geometry of beauty, and for this reason ... we love it.”

Genius - the creation of a truly remarkable and memorable work - is revealed when the thing fits perfectly into its context.

For whom
For music lovers, musicians, fans of contemporary art, promoters, show business figures, sociologists and historians of modern culture.

Awards and ratings
Book of the month on

ISBN: 978-5-00139-194-4
Pages: 400
Publisher: Альпина нон-фикшн
Year: 2024

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