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€ 33.00

Anti-style: between graffiti and contemporary art

Антистиль: между граффити и современным искусством

The book by artist and researcher Anastasia Dunaeva "Anti-style: between graffiti and contemporary art" is a collection of essays and photographs of works by street artists, whom the author considers to be representatives of such a trend in contemporary street art as "anti-style". It is worth noting that this term remains controversial due to its novelty.

Anastasia Dunaeva demonstrates her own understanding of this concept. The authors chosen for the study are united by the desire to develop their own unique method and style of drawing. The book includes works by street artists created as part of a performance, using unusual materials, as well as works inextricably linked with the environment. All these techniques and their rethinking go far beyond traditional graffiti, which allows us to talk about the convergence of street practices with contemporary art.

The collection contains photographs of works and essays by the following artists: Abic (Italy), Eirik Falckner, Dariusz Gwizdala (Hungary), Dima Gred (Russia), Erba (Spain), Fujioka (Brazil), Iksus (Russia), Ludvig (United Kingdom), Maekk (Russia), Maria Pinus (Russia), Matvey Kaif (Russia), NU (Russia), OKRM (Russia), OK (Russia), Pavel Bezor (Russia), Stach Szumski (Poland), Void (Italy), Witch27 (Russia), Art Abstracts (Russia), Bez imeni (Russia), Eduard Cheshuya (Russia), 543 (Russia). The book is preceded by an article by street art researcher Anton Polsky (MAKE) about the history of the formation of the concept of “style” in graffiti and its subsequent transformation, as well as reflections by art critic Valentin Dyakonov on the architectonics of anti-style with an analysis of this phenomenon through the prism of contemporary philosophy of art.

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