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Woman of Modernism. Gender in Russian Culture of the 1890s–1930s

Женщина модерна. Гендер в русской культуре 1890–1930 годов

The period from the 1890s to the 1930s in Russia was a time of fundamental transformations: from the social and political structure to aesthetic guidelines in art. This affected, among other things, both the social status of women and the forms of their representation in literature. Art Nouveau culture actively experimented with gender roles and the concept of androgyny, and the number of women authors who appeared at the beginning of the 20th century is incomparable with previous periods in the history of Russian literature. This collective monograph focuses on a turning point in the history of art, when the presentation of the feminine and masculine as normative canons of the established gender order coexisted with going beyond these canons and destroying this order. The articles included in the monograph offer to consider Russian modernism in a gender dimension that is still new for Russian scholarship; They raise questions about the phenomenon of female authorship, the male perspective on the “women’s question,” and the transformation of female and male images in works of art in the context of changing boundaries of gender norms.

ISBN: 978-5-4448-1840-4
Pages: 688
Publisher: НЛО, Новое литературное обозрение
Year: 2022

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