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€ 30.00

Followers and haters of V. V. Mayakovsky: how the poet was loved and hated in the first half of the 20th century

Фолловеры и хейтеры В. В. Маяковского: как любили и ненавидели поэта в первой половине XX века

This book is an attempt to analyze readers' reactions to the work and figure of V. V. Mayakovsky, preserved as reviews, letters, notes, articles, memoirs, reports. The selected responses are relevant for the first quarter of the 20th century and interesting for the modern reader, previously unpublished responses of ordinary people who loved or hated the poet's works or himself.

ISBN: 978-5-91187-458-2
Pages: 208
Publisher: Бослен
Year: 2023

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