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€ 16.00

Through the eyes of an albatross

Глазами альбатроса

Renowned American ecologist and zoologist Carl Safina sets off on a journey following albatrosses in the hope that they will open up their world to him. His guide on the journey is a very real albatross named Amelia. Scientists learn about her movements thanks to a transmitter attached to her, which regularly reports her location. Before our eyes, a dramatic and poetic story of struggle and hope, exceptional endurance and vitality unfolds. In an effort to learn more about albatrosses, the author also meets many representatives of wildlife living in the ocean. Safina manages not only to see the world in which they live, but also to look at it through their eyes. Together with Amelia, we travel in space and time, penetrating into the remote and inaccessible lands of the albatrosses' habitat. "The albatross is a majestic symphony of flesh, senses, bones, and feathers, created from long flights and set to the changing rhythms of light, wind, and water."

"During long hours of flight, birds cover enormous distances, riding on currents of wind far from shores that only occasionally flicker on the horizon. And if they were to follow the equator, they could circle the Earth three times in a year. By the age of 50, an albatross has flown about 6 million kilometers."

"Almost everything about albatrosses is perfect and exceptional. Exceptional size. Exceptional flight duration. Exceptional endurance. Even the smallest members of the family have a wingspan of almost two meters. The wandering and royal albatrosses have the longest wings in nature - about 3.5 meters from tip to tip."

Features archival photographs and flight maps of Amelia's albatrosses, showing the incredible distances these amazing birds cover.

ISBN: 978-5-00139-692-5
Pages: 624
Publisher: Альпина нон-фикшн
Year: 2022

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