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Economic Man: An Essay on the Origins of Neoliberalism

Человек экономический: Эссе о происхождении неолиберализма

Neoliberalism marches triumphantly across the world, presenting itself as the only viable norm for human existence and material wealth. Nevertheless, it is merely the tip of the iceberg of a comprehensive anthropological concept developed in the West over many centuries.

This concept suggests that the social world is governed by preferences, which each individual aligns solely with themselves and their personal interests, prompting them to maintain relationships with others. The notion of a person as a "calculating machine" extends far beyond the narrow realm of economics and forms the basis of a complete and consistent concept of the interested individual, striving to subordinate everything to themselves, including the forms of our thinking, language, and physical education of the body.

ISBN: 978-5-86793-822-2
Pages: 432
Publisher: Новое литературное обозрение
Year: 2010

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