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€ 12.00

What It's Like to Be a Dog: And Other Discoveries in Animal Neuroscience

Что значит быть собакой: И другие открытия в области нейробиологии животных

What is it like to be a dog? A bat? A dolphin? Can we humans understand it? Now we can, thanks to the scientific work of neurobiologist and best-selling author Gregory Burns. Together with his colleagues, he trained dogs to be scanned to get an opportunity to observe the processes occurring in the animal’s brain and analyze its thoughts and feelings. But dogs are just the beginning.

Gregory Burns introduces us to the latest news from the field of wild animal neurobiology: sea lions can catch dance rhythms, dolphins see with the help of sound, and even a lot can be learned about the thylacine, which died out almost a hundred years ago, thanks to neuroimaging. The revolutionary scientific discoveries described by Burns prove that animals experience the same feelings as we do. This means that it’s time for humans to reconsider their attitudes toward dogs and other creatures.

If a dog can be trained to jump out of a helicopter, it can probably be trained to undergo an MRI procedure. Why? Why? To finally find out what's going on in dogs' heads!

For whom
For dog owners and all those who care about the feelings of animals. For those who are interested in neurobiology.

ISBN: 978-5-91671-945-1
Pages: 333
Publisher: Альпина нон-фикшн
Year: 2019

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