€ 19.00
Everything, Always, Everywhere
Все, всегда, везде
Stuart Jeffries (born 1962), a British journalist and columnist for The Guardian, and author of several books, now offers readers a panoramic or, rather, kaleidoscopic overview of the half-century-long history of postmodernism — whether it be a cultural paradigm, a style, or a state that has confounded proponents of linear historical narratives and seemingly mixed everything: high and low, old and new, truth and fiction, art and pop culture, and so on.
Among the protagonists of the book are philosophers, politicians, artists, startup founders, filmmakers, architects, musicians, and activists, representing all spheres of cultural (and not only cultural?) production who have contributed to the "great erasure of boundaries," which has questioned all hierarchies (now replaced by everything), temporal limits (everything is now always), and borders themselves (everything is everywhere).
Jeffries, in turn, postmodernistically questions postmodernism itself, showing that the emancipatory charge embedded in it by neoliberal capitalism has not worked, while at the same time acknowledging that since we have become postmodernists, there is no way back.
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