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€ 19.00

The Jakarta Method: U.S. Anti-Communist Terror That Changed the World

Метод «Джакарта»: Антикоммунистический террор США, изменивший мир

American journalist Vincent Bevins discovered that between 1945 and 1990, the United States secretly encouraged programs of mass killings of communists, dissidents, and unarmed civilians. Only through these horrific repressions were they able to adjust the political trajectory in their favor across several continents.

The events in Indonesia, forgotten even by the local population, where politicians and foreign intelligence agencies deliberately trained their allies in state terror, serve as the key to understanding and as a model for the process that allowed the United States to win the Cold War and create an Americentric world.

Filled with stories of specific individuals and families, the book "The Jakarta Method" provides a documentary and compelling explanation of the means, the bloodshed, and the staggering falsification of historical memory of entire nations that led to the victory of the now widely accepted worldview.

Publisher: Альпина нон-фикшн

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