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€ 23.00

The Great Cat Massacre and Other Episodes in French Cultural History

Великое кошачье побоище и другие эпизоды из истории французской культуры

One of the most prominent American historians, Princeton University professor Robert Darnton, writes about the culture of peasants, artisans, bourgeoisie, bureaucrats, as well as the culture of encyclopedists and romantics. No matter which specific event of the 18th century he examines—whether it's the extermination of cats by Parisian printers or the collection of materials on writers by a police inspector—Darnton reveals its underlying context and acquaints readers not only with the everyday details but also with the psychology of his subjects.

Without deviating from facts and historical truth, he writes so engagingly that his scholarly work transforms into something akin to a literary piece, full of distinctly French elegance.

ISBN: 978-5-4448-1934-0
Pages: 384
Publisher: Новое литературное обозрение
Year: 2023

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